Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Infant Corrective Shoes Clubfoot

My brief political experience and his father

history in a letter and two documents

Letter to Unit
Dear Editor,
my cultural background and ethical-political and moral education and my sentimental date from the early seventies - years is certainly not easy and not easy, often violent, confused, messy and often dominated by ideological categories, dogmatic and populist but, nevertheless, rich years of genuine moral and intellectual power and remarkable cultural ferment.
Gramsci, Lukacs, De Sanctis, Antonio Labriola, Croce, but also Sartre, Freud, Nietzsche, Fromm were among the authors who have shaped my ideal library, directing and guiding my training, in light of some ideals and ethical values political importance: freedom, justice and democracy. In all those years, along with a strong and youthful protester charged for the renewal of society, has prompted me to get close to the PCI. I have been writing to
FGCI Naples in 1974 but I have not renewed their membership card when After the dramatic events of Allende in Chile, the party made the proposal of the historic compromise advanced in the pages of Rebirth, by Enrico Berlinguer (of which I only later appreciated, admired and sadly regret the noble, honest and austere figure of great leader). I have not shared the actual management of the proposed policy, because - while I understand the reasons and while recognizing the role it played for the holding of democratic civil and social fabric of the country in the terrible years of terrorism - I was convinced that it helped to stop the process of constructing an alternative social and political credibility, opening, then space, as was the case, the initiative Craxi's autonomist and subsequent restoration.
still communist but as a fellow traveler until 1976 and engaged in various student collectives and movements of the extra-parliamentary left, I took part - albeit on a very critical position and always peaceful and not violent - the movement of 1977, struck down by ' outbreak of guerrilla warfare and terrorism Autonomous Brigades, culminating in the barbaric murder of Aldo Moro. These events, in my opinion, have effectively blocked the growth in Italy and electoral politics of the left shattered my hopes and my (and that of many other friends and companions) political developments, launching a deep reflection and self-criticism suffered ideological revision, which resulted in the years 1979 and 1980, in my adherence to the rebirth of a liberal political force of socialism, although I still feel connected to social background, political culture, and why not, even emotionally, to the PCI.
I lived with some trauma of this inner division, participating with some friends, the so-called renaissance of neo-liberal political thought (still the Cross, more and Popper Dahrendorf), landing, though never quite fully in the orbit of ' area liberal - socialist (the lib-lab of the years '79-'80, in fact).
and Disappointed, to say the truth, even a bit 'disgusted by snobbery, by classism, the lack of true thickness ideal, moral, and political and politicaccia small vessels, and carrieristica patronage of the greatest political and cultural part of that environment, I finally moved away from active politics, shut themselves increasingly involved in private and making me, my although, in the ebb and flow is rampant. In the meantime, I graduated in Philosophy, I passed an open competition for teaching posts for teaching in Milan, first in middle school and then in high school, and I immigrated to the North.
I lived, trying to salvage my experience of ethical-political and cultural, the '80s, certainly less violent and more prodigal of wealth, but surely even more empty and ephemeral decade of the previous year - would have said isolini - development without progress. I experienced such cold mast and I witnessed the unleashing of the various yuppismi, rampant and businesses, shattering the spectacle of politics, the triumph of having over being, the spread of social breakdown, and individual self-interests of the various forms of racism, growth of vulgarity in an Italy increasingly affluent and modern (for luck), but also more cynical, chloroformed and lobotomized (purtroppo!).
I started to vote for the PCI, after many years, thanks to the new liberal course of Achilles Occhetto: it seemed a new glimmer of renewed political initiative in the climate of increasingly stagnant and drugged asphyxiated ethical, political and cultural life of the country, in a situation where - in the face of tragic events in China's Tiananmen Square and, later, even those most dramatic and extraordinary of the East - the PCI, which has always appeared to me in spite of everything as one of the true great powers of renewal and progress of Italian society, began to run the risk of being seriously neglected. And I decided to return to register for the PCI, even after a long and troubled reflection, thanks to the proposal made by the Secretary for the opening of a constituent phase of a new political formation of the left, in the light of the momentous events in Eastern Europe, really knew back renewed voice to the aspirations of freedom, justice and democracy, for real, non-violent transformation of society. An education policy that I hope will inspire the best prepared (without transformations, superficial syncretism) the critical tradition of Western political thought and action, without Eurocentrism, towards a truly democratic society, liberating, progressive and non-authoritarian, liberal and socialist but a liberal socialism and authoritative, true and authentic, non-elitist, but popular, culturally strict and ethically inspired, sensitive to new issues increasingly cross interplanetary and citizenship rights, environmentally sustainable economic development and civil (not merely the quantity) of a democratic government, the economy tends to reduce the gap between the North and increasingly alarming South.
Social justice, democracy and freedom ideals certainly not new but old, to be combined effectively with the legs of the new party. Is this the right time? This is certainly a demanding challenge that will require a huge effort of analysis, reflection and policy proposals, new and original philosophical synthesis, capacity is not indifferent to renewed theoretical work, concrete also new political and organizational tools. But I agree that it is the right way, the only possible one.
send you, at the conclusion of this sort of confession, the speech I made to the Extraordinary Congress of the "Antonio Gramsci" in Monza, with whom I joined 26 January 1990.
I want to read some lines and make a few brief thoughts. Eric Hobsbawm, the Marxist historian of the most influential British left, presently enrolled in the small and irrelevant British Communist Party, issued in a recent interview with La Repubblica, the following statements: "I still call myself a communist precise biographical reasons. Are age 14 years and do not see why I should be ashamed right now to seventy years. First, I found among the western communist extraordinary people, only for moral integrity and dedication to a political idea which has dedicated his whole life without having any material benefit in return. Is it not so in Italy, where the most honest political party that is communist?
Secondly, they should not forget the great role played by this movement to promote growth and education of workers and peasants who have found it in a real school of emancipation.
Third, and most importantly, if we now live in liberal democratic societies and authoritarian, it must be much as did the communists to overthrow fascism.
That said, a great tragedy it is consumed.
And that Communism no longer exists, was defeated.
must therefore find other ways of integration of the left. To this can be defined as common sense to me, certainly not for a young man of twenty years. "
Here, one of the reasons - thanks to the new course and at the turn of Occhetto - led me to vote in the last election PCI, after several years in which I voted Green Party and radical, it was just that. Restore meaning and value to those ideals of justice, freedom, democracy and solidarity, beyond the name, have made this strong and credible political party, from Gramsci to Berlinguer. And return to these values \u200b\u200band this historical real possibility of having a future.
must not allow this to be deleted from the memory and conscience of the younger generation who have not lived the story and can not now be recognized more in the name of communism. If you want the ideals and struggles continue to live you need to find a new way, form a new party, even a new name.
This, I think, is the strong political intuition behind the proposal made by a constituent Occhetto for a new political formation of the Italian left. Not the dissolution of the PCI, nor the confluence of the PSI, not the existing approval, the model of political spectacle, the party politics, the overwhelming power of the lodges and customers mafia, manipulation of consciences and the concentration of information. The problem is to reconstruct a renewed political force that is new not only in name.
I understand and I also share the concerns, anxieties, fears, doubts, the bitterness of so many comrades. I am reminded in this regard and for falling into the rhetoric of sentiment, a famous line jew-American actor and director Woody Allen, which could be paraphrased as follows: God is dead, even Lenin, the PCI is dying and I do not I feel very good!
But this is no time for sentimentality understandable but ineffective. It is no longer time for disputes nominalist. It must be time for change, a passion for real reform of the civil. And new thinking, analysis, criticism and policy proposals. While it is convenient to power a Communist Party more and more feeble and weak, then I prefer to continue to struggle with the same moral urgency was of the Italian Communists, although in new forms and with a different name, not processed or failure ethical and political. Because the history and politics, real and authentic, go far beyond the common name, if it is true that Gramsci wrote, and that is that they relate to men, as many men as possible, all people of the world as we join together in society and work and strive and improve themselves. "

(excerpts from the letter-confession were published in L'Unità of May 12, 1990, in the letters page)

Document 1
Subscribers Base Unit "Antonio Gramsci" of the PDS, which met in assembly to Monza on June 26, 1992,
their concerns against the consociational approach that led to the provision of Stefano Rodota candidacy for President of the Chamber of Representatives and express their solidarity with him, in connection with his resignation as President of the Party.
groups and parliamentary leaders of the PDS to promptly take clear, decisive political action, in Parliament and in the country, for granting permission to proceed against all the MPs under investigation and to propose a law that abolishes finally the iniquitous institution of parliamentary immunity for all crimes, except those related to the free expression of their political views.
The same leaders and parliamentarians to a necessary and thorough review of the law on public financing of political parties, in order to more effectively prevent all cases of political corruption and illicit financing.
Their full and complete support to the judicial investigations in progress and not just in Milan in Milan, and their solidarity in the work place and being implemented by the courts and Di Pietro Colombo. ASK

The prompt introduction of a civil trial for the PDS in the upcoming scandal of bribery against all of its directors, officers and elected officials involved in it and found guilty by the Magistrates.
The faster refund, in such form and manner as to identify, of all sums of public money the result of political corruption and their conveyance in a national fund "Libero Grassi", for all the victims of the fight against organized crime and racketeering.
organs of the party leaders at all levels, and to actually implement without delay all the measures and rules are essential for a policy really clean and put back to the center of its commitment to the moral question, as indicated, unfortunately disregarded, Enrico Berlinguer.
In line with the latest initiatives of the basic unit of self-convened by the Federation of Milan, the organization of a planning conference on the new party and form a more courageous and critical reflection on the appropriate misunderstood policy of "socialist unity" in Milan, primarily responsible for the subordination of consociational PCI - PDS craxiana policy of reformism without reforms, oligarchic degeneration and corrupting influences and increasingly serious and alarming of politics, business and crime.
groups leaders to overcome the paralyzing internal vetoes, the crystallization of the current organized, the suicidal and sterile controversy between ruling and opposition at all costs and participation and is a subsidiary subject to the government and raise with strength in Parliament and in the country, opening the doors of the party seriously to external forces and civil society associations, extensive mass political action based on a clear, serious and concrete reform agenda, a growing need to address the serious economic crisis, political, institutional and moral risks undermining the very foundations of democracy in Italy.

Document 2
The Secretary of the base
"Antonio Gramsci"
SUBJECT: Resignation from the Board of Directors The undersigned
Aldo Maiorano communicate its decision to resign from the Steering Committee of the base "Antonio Gramsci ".
Attach to this, as pro - memory, the document submitted for consideration by vain directors of that, since last June.
Monza, 27/11/1992
Aldo Maiorano


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