Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Best Tape-ups In Brooklyn


Alternative title for the discerning customer who wants to choose from:
We were not like the others and you could tell from his eyes: to show people scrutinized the works, we scrutinized people (who scrutinized the works)

You know that feeling of profound ignorance in museums modern art? When you look at a picture and then go to the search for meaning as if it were a puzzle solvers for experts? Usually we try to help then read the title (in the vain hope that gives some clue) but at least we are faced with a cryptic "Untitled 6". Here I think the insight and the smart idea of \u200b\u200bthis environment is just that the exhibitions of modern art there ever understand anything at all. So does its Kit Kat slogan "Have a Break" an original title to a fake picture in the exhibition "Abstract USA" that is taking place from September 2010 to February 2011 in the Rijksmuseum Twenthe, a art gallery in the Netherlands, with the effect of advertising really special.


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