Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How To Ask For Money On A Invitation Poems

School and volunteer

Daily press review of the Province of Grosseto in care of 'URP
http://www.provincia.grosseto.it/ Web e-mail urp@provincia.grosseto.it

GROSSETO - Students take to the field for solidarity. The third class A address for social services, together with a group of the second A, attended the Regional Project and school volunteer, was held at the Farm The prince. It was a day of dialogue, story and celebration, beyond the classroom, to inaugurate the 2008-2009 year, as signs of renewed Memorandum of Understanding between the Regional Education Office, the Region of Tuscany, the National Center for volunteering (CNV) and the Volunteer Service Center Tuscany (Cesvot) concerning the Project. Active for more than five years in Tuscany, the project aims to engage students in high schools and community groups engaged in voluntary activities and locations of various types, in order to bring the boys to practice solidarity, active citizenship and good common. The information desk, the stop and go and thematic tours, the staff of animators, the internships and summer camps Residential Summer Solidarity in Action are just some of the activities available to schools in Tuscany and in the form of independent modules, in the past year, have been involved in 100 schools, 376 associations, as well as 19 thousand children. Together with the teachers and Emily Scott Aldo Maiorano, Luigi Einaudi professional students of the institute, followed, in the auditorium of the Farm Principina, stories of experiences and projects in some schools in Tuscany (Lucca, Follonica, Cascina, Empoli , Piombino, Valdichiana), illustrated by the students and teachers through communications, video and slide presentation, have been completed with the reflections of the psycho-sociologist Gino Mazzoli, expert planning. In the early afternoon the teachers attended the seminar on the experience of periods of extra-regional voluntary Biella and workshops and the solidarity of Modena, while the boys were engaged in some laboratory activities on active methods of animation, games and simulations on role, the video of the project and the experience of Summer in Action. Student participation has been useful and profitable because, thanks to the large material collected documentation (video, pamphlets, books, gadgets of various kinds), have begun to in via Partisan Brigades, the laboratory school social services .
1996-2009 URP Service Program (PHP Mark Sorresina) - Grosseto Province


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