Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Should I Wash My Ski Gloves

Gramsci Gramsci


http://www.gramscitorino.it/ADMIN/downloadDB.asp ? iddoc = 208

Who would have imagined being put into the readings of Gramsci Foundation for this letter published in "Reborn," October 22, 1988?!

Dear Editor, in the miscellaneous volume
"Antonio Gramsci. His ideas in our time, the Publishing Unit, 1987 - published on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of Gramsci - I read, among others, with great interest, the contribution of G. Flowers, titled "The Nino's emotional universe." He, in particular, struck a statement of flowers, also author of a wonderful biography of Gramsci, Gramsci on the relationship between himself and his father. He writes, in fact, Joseph Flowers: "I have often thought back to this father figure removed from Gramsci. There is no trace of a letter addressed to him. And in the vastness of Gramsci's writings, yet so full of autobiographical references, the father has never once called for any reason. A cancellation radical. Why?
Yet, the same volume, a letter is published, with a precise reference to the father, written by Gramsci in 1933 to sister Tania (and she never came, because blocked by the censorship of prison Turi). It is a little-known letter, discovered only in 1965, among other documents, in the State. In it, very touching and dramatic tones, Gramsci speaks of his "disaster" and natural, recalling her childhood fall note, refers explicitly to his father's name, wrote: "In 1911 at Oristano in my uncle's house I met Dr. Cominacini I had treated then (a child) and had tried to prevent the consequences of the disaster. I'm sorry to touch this, but so my uncle told me that the Cominacini with enough confidence (or brutality that is) that the cause of my misfortunes was the neglect and apathy of my father and treated in time I could be saved. "
Gramsci, in 1911, was twenty. Is it not possible, then, suppose - while not ignoring other legitimate interpretations recorded by G. Flowers - that the removal of the father was, for Gramsci, also motivated by resentment, humanly understandable, as against the father's responsibility for his unfortunate physical condition? It is a small, reliable, inter alia, that may be insignificant, however, could further highlight the extraordinary drama of the human story of Gramsci, whose noble of moral, intellectual and political - hopefully - can still be an example for the younger ones still alive and present. ... character, strength and courage in their ideals.
Aldo Maiorano
Sesto San Giovanni (Milan)


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