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Perrault's Bluebeard interpreted to protect women. New Events

01/15/2009 11:46
On 25 November, the celebration of World Youth Day declared by 'UN on violence against women, was held - at the Teatro degli Industri di Grosseto - the' waiting Entertainment Conference Schools recognized for Sai Bluebeard 's Academy Changes Amiata, and Sara's, and Giorgio Donzelli Zorcù. All three classes of 'address social services (I, II and III of the course for social workers' professional institute Luigi Einaudi) have participated in' event, organized by the Province of Grosseto and the Ministry of Heritage and Culture - Tuscany Region, under the patronage of 'the Provincial Education Office in collaboration with the Municipality of Grosseto, the Centre Anti-Violence el Olympia de Gouges' National Association masculine plural. The lesson, masterfully arranged in the form of entertainment and explicitly dedicated to teenagers, in order to propagate the issues and questions related to the relationship between love and violence, was an exciting opportunity for reflection on 'alarming phenomenon of gender violence (murder, rapes, beatings, coercion of freedom in the areas familiar to the manifestations of contempt for the female body) in troubling shooting even in advanced countries of the democratic West. A recent research, in fact, claims that male aggressiveness is the leading cause of violent death and permanent disability for women between 16 and 44 years all over the world and that such violence is consumed primarily in the home. Sara Donzelli Giorgio Zorcù and have built a dense and intense performance, using varied media: drama, recorded songs, images from film, video, science on the Freudian theory of the instincts of life and death in 'human being and structures instinctive, emotional and intellectual brain, some statistics of the news about women killed "Forever" in 2007, a short film and theater workshops carried out with the boys. Through the story Perrault's fairy tale of Bluebeard and the story of Gilles De Rais, the show has managed to emotionally involve the audience, putting the finger on the serious consequences of distorted emotional relationships and the risks of a violent result of 'love or Malamore - as the title of a recent book by Conchita De Gregorio, neodirettrice de L'Unità - when it is confused with a report sick, full of obsessive jealousy and possessiveness.
At the end of the lesson-show was done, then attended an interesting debate, which was attended by Cinzia Tacconi, Head of Culture and the Equal Opportunities of the Province of Grosseto, Massimo Borghi, President of the Provincial Council, Gabriella Lepri Center Anti-Violence Olympe de Gouges, James and Sandra Mambriani Bellassai of the National masculine plural, and some students of the Provincial Council of Students and School Socio-Psycho-Pedagogical Grosseto, who spoke of their experience in training on Campus Life skills and peer education workshops and theatrical animation. Many of the reflections carried out and the questions asked by children in the audience, witness to a lively and keen interest in the themes and issues raised by the Conference - and show Sara Donzelli Giorgio Zorcù. The debate has also intervened Victoria Doretti, Director of 'UOC Education and Health Promotion of the ASL 9 di Grosseto, indicating its valuable professional experience and providing a quick identikit attitudes typical of battered women and abused. The celebrations for the World Day also included a public meeting on violence against women affects us: we take the word as male and an evening performance entitled The Bloody Chamber - Fairy tale for adults, from a story, rewriting of the feminine Perrault's fairy tale, Angela Carter, Sara Donzelli, directed by Giorgio Zorcù. Edited by Aldo Maiorano


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